The zAVATAR randomized clinical trial

The outstanding predictive value of the zAVATARS have now led to a multicentric randomized clinical trial in Ovarian and Breast Cancer (see movie).
In this trial, patients will be randomized into 2 groups: clinician-choice or zAvatar-choice. All patients will be treated with a therapeutic option present in international guidelines (NCCN, ABC, ESMO, etc.). What differs between groups is whether the treatment option is chosen by the attending clinician/ patient (standard of care) or by a sensitivity test – the zAvatar-test – where the predefined options of therapy will be tested, and the one that shows the highest cytotoxic effect in tumor cells will be chosen.This trial will be fundamental to bring the zAvatar-test to the clinical setting in the future.

These studies are only possible through the solid collaborations established with in-house clinical Units at the Champalimaud Clinical Center and with different hospitals and international organizations.
The Fior LAB would also like to THANK all the patients and families for their collaboration in our clinical studies.

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