- Champalimaud Research
Support Units
The CR Support Units (CRSU) provide all administrative, financial and operational assistance to the CR community. Accompanying the evolution and growth of the Champalimaud Research, the support provided to CR’s scientists also grows in organisation and capacities, blossoming with a new structure of seven specialised Units: Lab Administration, Human Resources, Events, Education & Courses, Operations, Sponsored Programmes and Science Communication. The CRSU team aims to provide all science administration, management and communication support to boost the work of scientists, maximising the focus on research.
Direction Support Team
Direction Support Team

Cátia Feliciano, PhD
Operations Manager

Inês Soeiro, PhD
Executive Coordinator

Direction Support Team
The Direction Support Team acts as executive arm of the Research Directors, receiving, delegating and implementing direct instructions from the Research Direction Team. The team meets with the Directors on a regular basis, for updates on the daily life of CR and any pressing matters or roadblocks. This team also serves as a primary contact point for any problem-solving needs within CR, being able to advise on the resources available to the CR community. The Direction Support team is composed of the Executive Coordinator, the Operations Manager and the Financial Manager.
Human Resources & Fellows

Fellows Support Office
Every person that joins CR needs to go through the Fellows Support Office (FSo). Whether it’s a PI or an Intern or simply a guest, FSo needs to be notified with as much notice as possible. They will advise on all the necessary procedures for everyone’s correct registration as a CR member: contracts, social security, medical insurance, visas, CCU cards, language classes at CCU.
Other tasks include development, implementation and maintenance of policies in the areas of recruitment, selection, fellowships regulations, assistance with the Portuguese and international legal and tax issues, relocation assistance, visa and immigration procedures and worker's wellness, safety, training and development, continuous and updated HR reporting, management, processing and support.
Our goal is to ensure that all these commitments with the fellows are met and for such we articulate with all the numerous offices and groups at Champalimaud Foundation.
Human Resources & Fellows

Teresa Carona
Fellows Support Office Head

Pedro Alves
Fellows Support Office Assistant
Lab Administration
Lab Administration

Raquel Gonçalves
Purchasing and Ordering

António Raposo
Lab Administrator

Vesna Petojevic
Lab Administrator

Lab Administration
The Lab Administration team deals with administrative support for the Labs, including budget management and execution, anything regarding the purchases of the lab and travel arrangements, among others. For that they will coordinate with other CR support units and CF departments (OSP post-award, logistics, accounting, IT, maintenance) as well as external agents like the suppliers, shipping companies and customs.
Communication, Events & Outreach

Communication, Events and Outreach Team
This team is responsible for producing and sharing information on the activities and ongoing or emerging objectives of the Champalimaud Foundation to all relevant parties. In particular, this group is responsible for maintaining fluent internal and external communication channels, including but not limited to CR and CF's online presence, newsletters, liaising with the media and the production of communication documents/materials. This team coordinates and implements a wide range of institutional, medical and scientific meetings and is also responsible for promoting and developing education and outreach initiatives with the participation and input of our researchers, students and health care team members.
Communication, Events & Outreach

Catarina Ramos, PhD
Coordinator (Science Communication, Education & Outreach)

Teresa Fernandes
Coordinator (Clinical and Institutional Communication & Events)

António Monteiro
Scientific Events Coordinator

Ana Rita Mendes
Events & Digital Manager

Carla Pereira
Junior Designer

Diana Cadete
Events & Digital Manager

Hedi Young, PhD
Science Writer & Content Producer

João Van Zelst
CR Audiovisual Technician

John Lee
English Teacher & Social Media Editor

Marta Correia
Senior Designer
Strategic Research Development
Strategic Research Development

Joana Lamego, PhD
Head of Strategic Research Development

Andreia Tavares, PhD
Grants Manager

Bruno Ceña
Grants Manager

Strategic Research Development Team
Fundraising for Research, Innovation and Technology Development at Champalimaud Foundation, by scouting the funding and collaborative opportunities landscape, co-design, co-development and co-launch of strategic programmes and projects.
Office for Sponsored Programmes

Office for Sponsored Programmes: Post-award
The CF’s OSP - post-award will be able to give help and support in issues related with grant reporting (financial and scientific), grant administration and cost eligibility. The CF’s OSP - Post award also aims to function as a facilitator, creating a bridge between the CR Scientific Community and the more bureaucratic aspects of grant management. The Project Managers are responsible for the day-to-day implementation of large-scale institutional and consortia projects. They play a pivotal liaison role, acting as the center of communication for all internal and external stakeholders, monitoring project progress, identifying risks, coordinating technical reporting and ensuring effective dissemination.
Office for Sponsored Programmes

Francisco Semedo
Grants Officer
Interdisciplinary Research Support
Interdisciplinary Research Support

Teresa Fernandes
Coordinator (Clinical and Institutional Communication & Events)

Ana Gerschenfeld
Health & Science Writer

Health & Science
As CF's clinical research activities expand and diversify, the output from projects developed at the Champalimaud Clinical Centre, and in particular by the Research Groups of the Clinical and Experimental Research Programme, call for increasing communication efforts. This includes the production of content and events to bridge the gap between clinical research and the public at large.
Education and Courses

Education and Courses
This Unit runs mainly through the Teaching Lab and Classroom, the hubs of our PhD programme and all courses happening at CR. The team deals with the organisation and daily management of INDP classes, CAJAL courses and external teaching weeks (GABBA, IGC, MIT, etc). The organisation of the Teaching Lab space and materials is another main function of this Unit, as well as supporting the INDP recruiting process.
Education and Courses

Isabel Palmeirim, MD, PhD
Education Director

Mette Kienhorst, MSc
Graduate Programme Manager
Champalimaud Research strives to offer researchers an open, international, fair and welcoming environment. To this end, the Champalimaud Foundation Board of Directors have initiated the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers certification process (HRS4R).