- Institutional Information
Institutional Information
Our Activities, Step by Step
The D. Anna de Sommer Champalimaud and Dr. Carlos Montez Champalimaud Foundation was created by António de Sommer Champalimaud in his will. It is a private corporate body of public interest governed by the statutes published in the Diário da República (DR, the national official journal) on January 21, 2005, and by Portuguese law.
The Champalimaud Foundation makes its Activity Reports and the documents referring to its Statutes, Recognition, and Management, available to the general public.
The Champalimaud Foundation was created in 2004, by the will and testament of António de Sommer Champalimaud. It is a private corporate body of public interest governed by the statutes published in the Diário da República on January 21, 2005, and by Portuguese law. The Foundation’s Statutes, recognised since 2005 as an institution of public interest, were the subject of a new wording.
- António Champalimaud Will (17,9 MB)
- Statutes of the Champalimaud Foundation (75,0 KB)
- Recognition of the Champalimaud Foundation – DR 2005 (12,9 MB)
- Statute of Public Interest - DR 2005 (45,4 KB)
- Confirmation of the Statute of Public Interest of the Champalimaud Foundation (16,4 MB)
- Renewal of the Statute of Public Interest of the Champalimaud Foundation (264 KB)
- Inicial Equity (51,0 KB)
- Financial State Support (49,0 KB)
Management Reports and Accounts
Beyond the communication of annual results, the Management Reports and Accounts of the Champalimaud Foundation are published every year and submitted to an external audit and to the state supervisory bodies. These also seek to be a channel of dissemination and follow-up of the work that has been developed, pointing out the Foundation’s major areas of activity and the impact achieved by its investments.
- Annual Report 2019 (57.6 MB)
- Annual Report 2020 (51.8 MB)
- Annual Report 2021 (79.1 MB)
- Annual Report 2022 (77.9 MB)
- Annual Report 2023 (72 MB)
Gender Equality Plan
The Champalimaud Foundation has in place a tailored Gender Equality Plan, aiming to ensure equity across the working environment, research design and clinical care.
A Working Group composed of Alexandra Belchior, Carlos Ribeiro and Inês Soeiro - coordinates its implementation.
Code of Conduct
As part of the Champalimaud Foundation's commitment to creating a dignified, balanced, trustworthy, cordial, and healthy environment a Code of Conduct was created. This code gives expression to a set of values on which the Champalimaud Foundation was built and the way in which we intend, together and in diversity, to put them into practice, regardless of the position each person occupies within the institution. It bears in mind our mission, the values and principles of the Champalimaud Foundation, remembering the need to adapt individual and collective performance to these values.