Insight Inside

The exhibition Insight Inside is the latest work by Clo Bourgard, in which the artist recycled waste materials from the Champalimaud Center for the Unknown's laboratories and clinic, in order to create sculptures that incite a reflection on the inner aesthetics of the human being.
The sculptures were on show, at the Champalimaud Exhibition Hall, between the 9th and the 26th of June, and were on sale at the p55.ART website, an online platform dedicated to art. 20% of the sales went to the non-profit Mama Help Association.
Insight Inside was part of the art-science-health residency project that Clo Bourgard is developing at the Champalimaud Foundation, within the scope of the Bridges to the unknown - crossing art with science programme. Her work was built on sustainability, where recycling was the main mechanism of creation. The collection of waste materials used in the exhibition was carried out in collaboration with the Green Team, from the Champalimaud Foundation.
Over the years, the artist has developed a growing interest on waste materials, which are discarded or loose their original purpose, using them has the main raw material of her work. Clo Bourgard had, under this artistic residency, the opportunity to add, to her artistic work, elements of the different Champalimaud Foundation's areas of activity, such as neuroscience and oncology.
Insight Inside was the moment when Clo Bourgard's residence opened up to the public. It was an invitation to reconnect body and mind and to reflect on what brings science, health and art together.
Catalog Insight Inside Exhibition
Open Dialogue @ Insight Inside Exhibition
What is the story behind each sculpture of Insight Inside exhibition?
What inspired the artist to work with waste materials from the Champalimaud Foundation?
What is the connection between art, science and health?
An open dialogue took place on Wednesday June 22, from 7:30pm to 8:30pm, at the Insight Inside exhibition (Exhibition Hall of the Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown).
These and other questions were explores, regarding the creative process behind the artist's art-science-health residency at the Champalimaud Foundation.
The event had the participation of the artist Clo Bourgard, the neuroscientist Daniel Nunes, the breast surgeon Pedro Gouveia and was moderated by the journalist Carolina Franco.
More about the participants
Clo Bourgard
Clo Bourgard is a visual artist and curator, who works mainly with sculptures and installations. She develops research in the area of materials and resins in her studio in Estoril. During the last 20 years, she took part in more than 50 individual and collective exhibitions, both at national and international level. She is currently doing an artistic residency at the Champalimaud Foundation.
Daniel Nunes
Daniel Nunes studied biology at Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra (2001-2006). Has a PhD from Faculty of Medicine, Heidelberg University, where he worked in neurophysiology and behavior (2007-2014). Later started his postdoctoral research at Champalimaud Foundation, working in Magnetic Resonance (2015-2019) and nowadays he is working in Systems Biology, focusing his research in learning and motor control.
Pedro Gouveia
Breast Unit surgeon at Champalimaud Foundation.
Carolina Franco
Carolina Franco tem escrito sobre cultura, juventude e direitos humanos. Cada vez acredita mais que está tudo ligado. É jornalista colaboradora no projeto de literacia mediática PÚBLICO na Escola, olha para assuntos internacionais no Shifter. Estudou Ciências da Comunicação no Porto, de onde é natural, tem pós-graduação em Curadoria de Arte e está a completar mestrado em Antropologia - Culturas Visuais.