This course is promoted by Champalimaud Foundation's Fior Lab.
The scientific programme will cover
- Protocols for preparation of human cancer cells for injection;
- Generation of zebrafish xenografts (microinjection in the perivitelline space);
- Metastatic assay;
- Protocols for immunofluorescence;
- Mounting xenografts for confocal imaging;
- Confocal session.
Champalimaud Center for the Unknown, Lisbon
06 - 10 May, 2024 - 9:00
Deadline: March 15
Confirmation: March 20
Academia: € 1.500,00 (excluding VAT)
Industry: € 3.000,00 (excluding VAT)
Additional information
Course materials; lunch and coffee-breaks; and closing dinner included. Due to its strong practical component, this course has a limit of 8 participants. Applicants are requested to send a CV and motivation letter, for selection procedures.
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