Joana Guerra @ Psychoactive Surface

Joana Guerra @ Psychoactive Surface

Concert with generative AI visuals 

Venue: Auditorium Champalimaud Foundation

Date and Time: July 24th, 9pm

Free entrance

Registration with this link

Joana Guerra´s solo music project revolves around creating impressionist and experimental themes and atmospheric soundscapes, aligned by a hypnotic cello. Her compositions often feature intricate melodies, layered vocals and unconventional song structures, frequently described as experimental and genre-defying.

In this concert, Joana Guerra is challenged to collaborate with Artificial Intelligence (AI). The artist's music, composed of cello, voice and electronics, will produce images in real time, using generative AI visual algorithms. The images will be projected during the concert, adding an imagistic environment to the sound experience and functioning as a two-way collaborative interface, with the music creating the image and vice versa.

Psychoactive Surface is an immersive human-AI  interface created by Lunar Ring, as part of the Metamersion cycle of events, featuring collaborative performances with different artists. In a world where AI is often seen as a tool for manipulation or control, can it instead foster a relationship that is creative and playful, where each side inspires the other without striving for dominance?  

At the concert Joana Guerra @ Psychoactive Surface, human and AI systems will engage in a feedback loop, co-creating audiovisual landscapes that spark the imagination. At the boundary between control and letting go, both sides may learn to interpret and inspire each other, allowing  for unpredictable emergent phenomena.

Joana Guerra's bio 

Joana Guerra is a cellist, composer and singer whose restlessness and passion for experimentation have led her to regular collaborations with countless musicians as well as dance, performance and theater projects, influencing and interweaving a unique universe in permanent expansion. Born in 1983, Joana Guerra grew up in the suburbs of Lisbon, in Rinchoa. She practiced karate for many years and has a degree in Portuguese literature. As a musician, she ventured into musical landscapes that reflected her desire for acoustic experimentation and the adoption of bolder sound references, as well as extended techniques for cello. This journey led her to become an integral part of the free improvisation community.

She has released four albums of his solo work, the last release dating back to 2020 with "Chão Vermelho".

She's part of some projects in the spectrum of exploratory and improvised music (The Alvaret Ensemble, Lantana), in addition to other artistic collaborations with Joelle Léandre, Surma, Gume, Manja Ristić, Victor Herrero, Ricardo Jacinto, Lula Pena, Yaw Tembe, Asimov, Tiago Sousa, Pop Dell'Arte, among others.

Joana Guerra collaborates with other artistic disciplines (dance, theater and cinema) as a composer and performer.


  • Érika Machado (BR): sound operation/sound technician;
  • Immersive AI systems group (DE/PT): working group of the Digital Therapeutics Centre, at Champalimaud Foundation, which develops immersive AI systems for digital therapeutics;
  • Lunar Ring (DE): art-science collective that explores new forms of creativity between humans and AI;
  • Nico Espinoza (CL): sound artist interested in socio-political tensions between universal abstraction and local experience present in the contemporary discourses on cognition, ecology and technology.


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