18 May 2022

Champalimaud Foundation launches book about technology at the service of the humanization of oncological care

Today, European Cancer Nursing Day, is a good opportunity to highlight the launching, just days ago, of a book about oncological nursing, written and organised mainly by nurses from the Champalimaud Foundation.

The title of the new book is “Technology at the Service of the Humanization of Oncological Care”. It was launched during the V Champalimaud Oncological Nursing Conference, held on May 4th 2022 at the Champalimaud Foundation, in Lisbon.

Conceived, organised and written by health professionals from the Champalimaud Foundation, mainly nurses, it is a set of texts about oncological disease and how to approach it, with special focus on patient care, on the diversity and wealth of activities, on the requirements of modern oncology and on the essential need for specialisation – due in particular to the advent of new, increasingly sophisticated technologies, which play an increasingly important role in cancer patient care and quality of life.

Published by Oficina do Livro - Leya, the book is structured as “a sort of temporal journey through oncological disease”, says Alexandra Belchior, Coordinating Nurse at the Champalimaud Clinical Centre. It touches successively on the issues of risk and screening, on the special interventional programmes at the Champalimaud Foundation, on the types of treatment and the relationship with patients, on resilience strategies, on the link between research and clinic, on treatment side effects, on palliative care and quality survival.

“These topics and approaches, which are very diverse, are all relevant and deserve to be read by health professionals, patients, caregivers and anyone who wishes to be informed about cancer, about how we approach it and how we can live with it”, Alexandra Belchior points out.

From the back cover of the book: “Technology at the Service of the Humanization of Oncologic Care” aims to share acquired knowledge, stimulate and promote research on nursing, translational medicine and, most of all, personalised care at every phase of oncological disease.”

To buy your copy, click here.

By Ana Gerschenfeld, Health and Science Writer of the Champalimaud Foundation.

Livro de Enfermagem Oncológica, Fundação Champalimaud

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