22 August 2022
09 August 2022
Zoom-In on Champalimaud: Gonçalo Cotovio
I graduated from NOVA Medical School in 2014, before joining the Champalimaud Foundation’s Neuropsychiatry Unit (NPU) as a research intern the following year. Principally, I have been working on secondary bipolar disorder neuroimaging.
Since then, I have been fortunate enough to train and work in a variety of institutions, including Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Ocidental, Harvard Medical School, and since 2017 I have been completing my PhD through a FCT scholarship at the NPU.
20 July 2022
Zoom-In on Champalimaud: Charlotte (Charlie) Rosher
Before entering the Champalimaud Foundation, I studied Evolutionary Biology on a Master’s programme that rotated around universities in Uppsala (Sweden), Montpellier (France), Munich (Germany) and Boston (USA). I love seeing the world through the lens of evolution but I have always been focussed in some way on brains and behaviour. Now I am investigating emotions and defensive behaviours for my PhD in the Behavioural Neuroscience lab (Moita lab).
13 July 2022
What do the terms incidence and prevalence stand for? What do they measure? What are they used for?
Incidence and prevalence are two statistical measures of disease frequency that apply to any and every disease, although here we’ll just be concerned with cancer.