24 June 2022

Greater threat, greater syntony

Researchers from the Behavioral Neuroscience Laboratory at the Champalimaud Foundation, in Portugal, strive to understand how social context influences the individual's response to threats. 

Previously, they have shown that when fruit flies in a group are faced with an inescapable threat, they lower their defences compared to when alone. They further observed that if the other flies freeze, then so will the individual; when the group starts moving again, the individual quickly follows. Being in tune with the surrounding flies seems to bring security.

Esperança Ribeiro

Patrícia Fernandes Pereira

Insight Inside Exhibition

On June 8th, at 19h00, the Champalimaud Foundation opens the exhibition 'Insight Inside', the latest work by Clo Bourgard, in which the artist questions how our inner world brings us closer to nature and the environment, through pieces of art made exclusively with recycled materials.

06 June 2022

The brain uses data compression for decision-making

If you were a kid in the 80s, or are a fan of retro video games, then you must know Frogger. The game can be quite a challenge. To win, you must first survive a stream of heavy traffic, only to then narrowly escape oblivion by zig-zagging across speeding wooden logs. How does the brain know what to focus on within all this mess? 

09 June 2022

Il Memming Park

Thanks to technological advances, neuroscientists can now collect mouth-watering amounts of data, simultaneously recording the activity of hundreds of neurons in real-time. But what's the use of having this "big neuro data" if we can't make sense of it?

26 May 2022

Ar Event - Evolving emotions: getting a feel for the world

Today, the general view about the role emotions play in our lives has radically evolved, and the importance of emotions throughout the animal kingdom has finally been recognised. Charles Darwin already intuited 150 years ago when he wrote that emotions are “a universal means of communication” across the animal kingdom. As for us humans, we now know that emotions literally shape every aspect of our lives, including things as unique to our species as rationality and morality.

Human Neuroecology and Digital Therapeutics

New AI Centre


What is the impact that changing people’s behaviour can have on our wellbeing?

Changing people’s behaviour is hard. It takes more than simply telling them how they should behave. Many people have long had access to information about the importance of physical activity, social interaction, sleep, diet, etc. for improving health.

19 May 2022

Better Keep The Instructions

Who hasn't felt the temptation to fling a lengthy manual into the bin, or just drive on instead of asking for directions? After all, following instructions is often tiresome, and we can just figure it out on our own… Or can we? A study published today (May 19th) in the scientific journal Nature Human Behaviour challenges prevalent theories about our capacity to solve complex problems and how certain mental disorders influence it.

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